
Assessment of equality

Tool for the assessment of equality

Voit linkittää suoraan otsikkoon kopioimalla osoitteen selaimen osoitepalkista.

Analysis of results and launch of planning


From results to action

The purpose of equality assessment is to identify development targets related to non-discrimination. Measures for promoting equality in the workplace and operations can be planned on the basis of such an assessment. Concrete measures are entered in the equality promotion plan. This plan may be separate or form part of another plan (an equality plan, a curriculum, an activity programme for occupational safety and health, etc.). A wide range of material, listed as sources in this guide, is available in support of the preparation of an equality promotion plan.

An equality promotion plan may include a description of the methods used for assessing equality and assessment results, a list of concrete measures for fostering equality and a specification of the follow-up, assessment and updating, if necessary, of the plan’s implementation and the related schedule.

Assessment matrix



Various guides on equality planning may serve as a source of ideas for an assessment of equality and plans made on the basis of such an assessment. Although certain materials were prepared while the former Non-Discrimination Act was in force, the guides and materials herein are ideal for preparing a plan pursuant to the new Non-Discrimination Act that takes account of all grounds for discrimination. Some guidelines prepared after the entry into force of the new Act have been published. This list includes the material in chronological order:


In Finnish: Ohje työpaikan yhdenvertaisuussuunnitelman laatimiseen (The Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions – SAK, AKAVA The Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff in Finland, Finnish Confederation of Professionals STTK, the Finnish League for Human Rights, Finnish Federation of the Visually Impaired , Seta – LGBTI Rights in Finland and Finnish Youth Cooperation – Allianssi)
In Finnish: Yhdenvertaisuussuunnittelun opas yksityiselle sektorille (FIBS)
In Finnish: Yhdenvertainen urheilu – verkkoaineisto liikunta- ja urheilujärjestöille (VALO, Finnish Sports Confederation)


In Finnish: Yhdenvertaisuusvaikutusten arvioinnin ohje säädösvalmistelijoille (Ministry of the Interior)
In Finnish: Pidä huolta. Esimerkkejä yhdenvertaisuuden edistämisestä (Ministry of the Interior)


Education for all! Equality planning guide for educational establishments (Ministry of the Interior)


Knock knock – May I come in? Guide to equality in sports and youth organisations (Ministry of the Interior)


Equality planning guide (Ministry of the Interior)